Treatment & Understanding
What we do?
We play…
Whether the end result is your child successfully tying his/her shoes, writing their name, climbing over obstacles or trying something new, our philosophy is that a child learns best through play, and we try to provide the just right challenge to meet the child’s needs in a playful and engaging way.
You help…
You know your child better than anyone else. As your child learns and progresses, an equal part of defining success is involving the parents in the treatment process. In order to be an advocate, parents need to understand their child’s needs and how to help them organize their day. We give you the tools to continue to support your child outside the clinic.
We all work together…
We work with your child's other providers whether it be a doctor, developmental pediatrician, speech therapist, caregiver or teacher to get personal insights in order to have the greatest effect in treatment. We realize we are only one piece of the puzzle and working holistically adds a greater benefit and understanding for everyone.
“Through OT we have learned to ask the right questions to ask about what our son needs at school. And just as importantly we have learned many solutions to suggest for those needs allowing us to be more proactive in our relationship with the school and teachers.”
- Kris F, parent of a 7 year old.
You don’t need to be in OT forever.
Our goal is for kids and parents to become their own advocates and bridge the gap between one on one clinic based services to successful community activities.
"[dad] was using the dust buster to clean up some crumbs on the floor. Normally Ryan runs into the other room and slams the door because he can't handle the noise. Tonight, he asked if he could use it and ended up cleaning all of our carpets."
- Debbie